Jul firande hemma hos oss med en blandning av Italiensk Pasta in brodo and Svensk sill och skinka. Jag och barnen har haft ett skönt jullov och vi ser inte fram emot dagis skola och jobb som börjar nästa vecka, men först har vi nyårsfirandet att se fram emot vi ska till ett Spansk/Baskiskt par som bor utanför London i Maidstone så ser fram emot lite luftutbyte.
28 December 2011
I det bräckta vattnet mellan Italien och Sverige
Jul firande hemma hos oss med en blandning av Italiensk Pasta in brodo and Svensk sill och skinka. Jag och barnen har haft ett skönt jullov och vi ser inte fram emot dagis skola och jobb som börjar nästa vecka, men först har vi nyårsfirandet att se fram emot vi ska till ett Spansk/Baskiskt par som bor utanför London i Maidstone så ser fram emot lite luftutbyte.
18 December 2011
Jul i exil
Getting ready for christmas... or at least as much as you can while 28 week preggo and with two little monsters to look after, and since we have decided against traveling this christmas we are going to experience a London christmas for the first time ever even if I have been a resident for 14 years...
I even got a Swedish frozen"Julskinka" in IKEA and have already baked two loads of "lussebullar" just missing the ubiquitous Aladdin chocolates box.
20 September 2011
Manors, castles and cobbled streets
last weekend Italian Nonno took us to Bath and on the way back past Stonehenge.
We stayed in a very nice place on the way there with a beautiful garden Newbury Manor Hotel the name evokes Jane Austen heroines for me and going to Bath was another evocative journey. I met up with Danish Maya an old friend of mine and met her little son Jonas and they showed me how great Bath is for kids we went to have a coffe and play in the kids theatre The Egg next door to the Theatre Royal. Thinking about it makes me wanna move to Bath, it seems such a civilized place, but as my friend was telling me rents and house prices are very high.
On the way home we stopped by Stonehenge and it is impressive still even as it is presented today and even though you are made to walk on a conveyor belt around the monument listening to a dull text in headphones rather then taking in the atmosphere of the place, anyway with a little wild 2 year old I didn't manage to really take it in fully, should go back there on midsummers eve. We also managed to stop by at Windsor castle, and we had a peek into the hugh park outside of it, and nonno was impressed maybe by the essence of Englishness.
03 September 2011
Calabria August 2011
We had some hot days in Calabria in the summer house by the sea! A great place for kids to run around! We left the big one there he will be back intime for the school start.
08 June 2011
Kristi himmelsfärd och födelsedag
Hemma några dagar i Svedala, hjälpte till lite hos syrran, som har nytt hus.
Det var så vackra ljusa kvällar och att bo på landet gav ett härligt avbrott från vårt dagliga London förorts liv. Ungarna älskade det, det är underbart att ha ett sånt ställe att besöka och varva ner, komma nära naturen och känna gödsel lukten.
16 May 2011
New blog name
I have redirected my website to the blog from now on and therefor the name has changed but you can still use the old links.
For anyone looking for my animation work please email me at ebbsingen at yahoo.com for show reel and more information, please also check out my youtube channel
follow me on twitter @ebbsingen or come and knock on my door and I will pour us a glass of wine and we'll have a chat.
For anyone looking for my animation work please email me at ebbsingen at yahoo.com for show reel and more information, please also check out my youtube channel
follow me on twitter @ebbsingen or come and knock on my door and I will pour us a glass of wine and we'll have a chat.
09 April 2011
03 April 2011
05 March 2011
car sellers
Been to a secondhand car dealer today not an easy thing to buy a car for us
we have been confined to a 1981 Fiat from Argentina last 2 years and now that's not deemed safe by my partner so we need to find a new/old car. I want a automatic so I don't have to worry too much about not finding the biting point and stalling at redlights.
But had enough of condesending salesmen. But we will continue to search tomorrow!
22 February 2011
Ballongen Spricker
Mitt absoluta favorit program som liten, har alltid undrat vad det hette så hittade jag det genom ett forum med en massa andra TV nostalgiker. Det håller än tycker jag, det har ju inget av dagens teknik och special effekter men det är välskrivet och har en slags magi som var tilltalande som barn.
(SVT, 1978 Ballongen Spricker del 1.)
19 February 2011
stayed in most of today but managed a visit to our local Anerley library that is threatened by closure, so these days I really want to support it, would be terrible loss if it went.
Talking about books, I am fascinated by the conflict between Stieg Larsson's widow Eva Gabrielson and his brother and father, who inherited everything. There is lesson in there for us all about greed, family and freedom. When its concerning millions of pounds and the success of his books is so ballistic so really there are a lot of money involved, the worst comes out in people, its hard to know who is right and wrong, when both parties obviously have opposing views and say different things, but an interview on Swedish TV with the brother of Stieg made me change my mind in favour of the biological family since she doesn't seem to want to talk with them and they are offering her involvement and to become board member of the estate etc. but she is all about revenge, she wont take any crumbles offered she wants all the control or nothing.
18 February 2011
16 February 2011
birthdays and snotty noses
we have just survived several weeks of illness now we are back on track, I just hope the sun is gonna come back soon
13 February 2011
Spring is in the air in Catford
On my way back from a party in Bellingham leisure centre i took a walk down to Catford. Somehow it seemed like another world with its Jamaican market stalls and indian hair shops, and the Broadway theatre with its Art deco, grade II listed glory is a landmark, but the stagedoor cafe seems to have passed its glory days.

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