24 January 2010

photographing on the streets of Rome

Entering a new decade, originally uploaded by ebbaviktoria.

Looking at my pictures from the christmas holidays that we spent at my inlaws place in Rome. I also met up with and old dear friend with whom I spent the new years eve of 2000 in Naples with and now we celebrated again after 10 years New years eve together but this time in Rome, a bit older, wiser and less crazy...

21 January 2010

first days of the new decade

these days I have spent with my nearest family in Sweden, the landscape is almost unaturally beautiful, white glistering snow covering forgivingly the landscape.
Playing and screaming in equal measures at the kids my own and the cousins, playing games and trying to loose graciously, loving to be with my family and wanting space in my head to think, trying to get a perspective on my usual life.